JADE 5th edition | Page 10

10 | JADE ARTICLE #1 | 11 SAMI ULLAH AND ALEKSANDAR RADU test. The marks obtained by students under the diverse assessment approaches in 2012 and 2013 were collated and analysed. Moreover, the overall marks obtained in different modules by three low and three top performing students who were part of the face to face delivery module were averaged for each year of their Applied Environmental Science degree program at Keele University to evaluate if low or top performance in the face to face module was reflected in the overall performance of these students. Overall, the group work assessment performance over the 2 years under the two modules exhibited relatively lower variance in the spread of marks compared to the individual assessments (Figure 1 and 2). Even though, the range of group assessment marks were well within the range of the individual assessment marks, the constrained spread in the group assessment marks does point to the existence of smoothing resulting in more uniform marks spread than under individual assessment scenarios. As group assessments represent a collective mark assigned to students of varied capabilities (Maiden and Perry, 2011), our data show that low performing student must have benefited from the blanket marking assessment, while the potential of top performing students must have been capped in achieving a mark commensurate with their potentials and performance. This result is consistent with what Healey et al (1996) identified as a potential pitfall of group assessment (Table 1). However, the overall performance of the selected three top and three low performing students reflected a consistent improvement in case of top and a relatively static and/or stagnant performance over th