JADE 5th edition | Page 38

38 | JADE ARTICLE #3 | 39 DAVID S BLANCHARD AND ELIOT REES TWELVE TIPS FOR PEER-TEACHING Conclusions References: Twelve years ago guidance was provided on the establishment of peer-teaching programmes for medical schools. We believe that with recent emphasis on the role of doctors as teachers, increasing evidence on the beneficial effects of peer-teaching, and a growing enthusiasm for peer-teaching within medical schools, there is now a momentum to firmly establish peer-teaching within the undergraduate medical curriculum. We hope that our twelve tips will facilitate this development and, perhaps thereby, promote investigation of the longer term consequences of teaching medical students to teach. Amorosa JM, Mellman LA & Graham MJ. 2011. Medical students as teachers: How preclinical teaching opportunities can create an early awareness of the role of physician as teacher. Med Teach 33:137-144 Blanchard,DS. 2015. Peer-teaching: an important skill for all medical students and doctors? Perspect Med Educ 4: 6-7, Blank WA, Blakenfeld H, Vogelman R, Linde K & Schnieder A. 2013. Can near-peer medical students effectively teach a new curriculum in physical education? BMC Med Ed 13:165 Burgess A, McGregor D & Mellis C. 2014.Medical students as peer tutors: a systematic review. BMC Med Ed 14:115 Dandavino M, Snell L & Wiseman J. 2007. Why medical students should learn how to teach. Med Teach 29:558-565 Field M, Burke JM, McAllister D & Lloyd DN. 2007. Peer-assisted learning: a novel approach to clinical skills learning for medical students. Med Educ 41:411-418 General Medical Council. 2009. Tomorrow’s doctors: Outcomes and standards for undergraduate medical education General Medical Council. 2011. The Trainee Doctor. Foundation and specialty, including GP training http://www.royalcollege.ca/portal/page/portal/rc/canmeds/ framework Iwata K, Furmedge DS, Sturrock A & Gill D. 2014. Do peer-tutors perform better in examinations? An analysis of medical school final examination results. Med Ed 48:698-704 Jefferies A & Skidmore M. 2010. Evaluation of a collaborative mentorship program in a multi-site postgraduate. Med Teach 32: 695–697 Knobe M, Munker R, Sellei RM, Holschen M, Mooij SC, SchmidtRohlfing B, Niethard F-U & Pape H-C. 2010. Peer teaching: a randomised controlled trial using student-teachers to teach musculoskeletal ultrasound. Med Educ 44:148-155