Jackpot Nov 2012 | Page 4

Apple and Marketing MArketing


BY HArajay


new arrivals

The new iPad Air now comes in a smaller size


Our definitive guide to how Apple

gets it's marketing success

What is marketing, you may ask. Well for many companies marketing is how they put out there product for the world to see.

There are many aspects to marketing,

but two of the important ones are PROMORTION and BRANDING. These two things are what helps make Apple a great company.

Coming off the heels of yet another successful Apple launch debut, it’s increasingly clear that Apple is on top of their game in a way like no other. Which other company could turn an ordinary press conference into a live global event?

The secret lies beyond their product line and design standards; It comes to there marketing.

Apple's brand is one of the strongest in the world. When people think about an apple most would look at the silvery logo not the fruit. Have you noticed what they’re doing here? Apple isn’t content with being a leader in sales alone, they want to own the market itself, which explains why they’ve engineered iTunes as the major music provider that it is, and why the iPad, having the luxury of being the first, has now set the trend for future tablet devices.

Apple's promoting is alo one of the fines. They do everyting neccessary to show what their product is, what it does and why is it's price it's price. When promoting their products they use clear simple language, so the consumer understands.

Apple Products


All good electrical retails or visit www.apple.com


32 Gig $499

64 Gig $599

3G $699



If you use your iPad as your ebook reader, then youwill appreciate the lighter weight


iPad Air camera isn't a match for the one in the latest iPhone..