FOREARM SPIDER PLANK targets : arms , core , back , glutes rounds : 4 sets for 40 seconds
Let ’ s go : — Lie face down with your elbows directly under your shoulders , palms pressing flat into your mat , making a 90 degree angle with your arms . — Flex your feet , press your toes into your mat and lift your knees off the ground . — Keeping your shoulders above your elbows and your glutes squeezed , lift your left knee towards your left shoulder . — Keeping your knee at your shoulder , lift your hips high towards the ceiling , pausing at the top for 2 seconds . — Step your left foot back to meet your right and alternate sides . * Remember to keep your gaze between your hands , pull your shoulders away from your ears , and get rid of any arch in your lower back .
WINDMILL targets : obliques + shoulders reps : 4 sets for 40 seconds
Let ’ s go : — Kneel on your mat , walk your knees wider than your hips and touch your toes behind you . — To feel it in your obliques instead of your back , keep your glutes squeezed and hips reaching forward at all times . — Lift your arms overhead into a V , keeping both arms straight and your shoulders away from your ears .
— Hold the V and keep your body in a straight line ( like you ’ re moving through 2 panes of glass ) while you reach your left arm down and out towards the left edge of your mat - right arm reaches straight up . — As your left oblique crunches , your right oblique should feel a big stretch . — Lift back to center by crunching your right lower rib into your right hip and alternate sides . * Remember to keep your body in one line and your glutes squeezed !