JA20-BUGNALOWMAG_digital-low (clone) | Page 47

6 . Walk us through your morning skincare routine ….
It ' s super simple ! I rotate Flora , Gold and Attar based on my mood . Whichever one I ' m using I throw a little zinc powder into for some added spf . Gold actually has a natural spf of 8 so I tend to use that one during the day . Recently I have been loving the way our new product , Rei looks on my skin . It creates this amazing glow , so I have been using that under the Gold .
7 . And your evening skincare routine ….
I apply the Rose cleansing oil to my face and take this time to Gua Sha as well . I ' m usually on a yoga mat doing some stretches and gua sha at the same time ( because you have to maximize your time with young kids !) I remove the cleansing oil with a soft dry cloth and then apply a tiny , little layer of Gold and use an LED on my face . The nourishing properties from our Gold oil and the healing benefits of the LED make the ultimate combo for reducing pigmentation , inflammation and just giving an all over glow . I follow that with a generous application of our gentle retinol cream and then our healing repair concentrate , Attar .
8 . Your brand has such a strong reverence for Mother Earth . Where in the world do you feel most grounded and connected to nature ’ s beauty and magic ?
It is so tough for me to answer this as I feel so connected to all of Mother Earth , but I would say the places that give me
the most overwhelming feelings are the places that spark a specific memory from my childhood . Feeling like I ' m my 10 year old self for even just a moment , is such a cool thing . My parents are from two of the most amazing places on Earth . My mom is from Greece and my dad is from New Zealand . I grew up going to both of those insanely beautiful places , and yet stepping into my grandmother ' s yard or house ( which wasn ' t anything particularly special ) and being transported by a scent or a visual memory - for me that is so much more beautiful than any perfect landscape could be .
9 . Will you share a few IG accounts that bring you creative inspiration and joy ?
Some of these people I know in real life and even call them friends , but they still inspire me . I feel like such a lucky person that my IG inspo and real life inspo worlds sometimes collide . @ lailacooks | @ leowalkinparis | @ ikoikospace | @ daphnejavitch | @ tiwa _ select | @ kerrilynnpamer | @ tartvinegar | @ napkinapocalypse | @ jac _ sullivan | @ anaise _