J001303_EllieBs_Winter2023_Newsletter | Page 2

A Note from the Chair

We are more than half way through 2023 – time flies by so fast . Especially this year .
No doubt everyone is sick of hearing about the ever-evolving tweaking and changes to the NDIS . For EllieB ’ s , that means a constant barrage of information , checking that everyone understands anything that ’ s relevant for them , amending our documents and processes where necessary — and that includes the Board as well .
I must commend Wendy and her team , and Wendy in particular , for remaining so focused and consistently putting in so much work to ensure that our organisation rises to every challenge that the NDIS presents . Our goal is always to ensure that our clients can lead their best lives , and that they remain safe , happy , and receive the highest standard of care . And to adapt and comply with the ever-changing NDIS landscape !
As well , we want our staff to feel valued and appreciated . To develop , learn new skills and feel valued for the important role they have in helping our clients . They are very essential parts of our organisation .
So , be assured that we continue to strive for excellence , always . The lights may sometimes be on well past office hours , but it ’ s for a very good cause .

Sue Chapman

Sue Chapman Chairperson | EllieB ’ s

SALA 2023 Tutti Arts

Incredible paintings by Harrow Artist , Alex !
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