J001150_EllieBs_SummerNewsletter_v3_Email | Page 2

A note from the chair

It ’ s with a great positivity I write this letter to you .
As the Chair of EBL , I couldn ’ t be prouder of our people and their achievements during 2021 .
Similarly , I couldn ’ t be more thrilled with the support and encouragement we get from our precious clients and their families … thank you one and all .
My Board and Management are a dedicated team . I ’ m grateful for their talent , care and custody .
2021 has been a wonderful year for EBL . Sure , there ’ ve been challenges but we ’ ve taken them on , solved problems and kept standards high .
A good example is our stellar performance with the 2021 NDIS revue , which clearly demonstrated EBL is a high quality , best-practise , safe pair of hands for our most vulnerable .
There ’ re some exciting things afoot .
In 1981 we started as Elizabeth Bowey Lodge , thanks to the heroic efforts of that woman supported by local families with intellectually disabled children . In the 90 ’ s it became EBL Disability Services and it gives me great pleasure to tell you the evolution continues , introducing , EllieB ’ s .
EllieB ’ s slogan is , “ Watch me smile ”. More good news .
We ’ re planning a new development at Davoren Park and have been working with architects and have council approval . What is it exactly ? Sorry , you ’ ll have to wait a bit longer for the full details . Suffice to say it is exciting .
In closing I wish you all a safe , healthy and happy Christmas and I believe 2022 will be the best year yet for EllieB ’ s .
Let the smiles keep coming .

Sue Chapman

Sue Chapman Chairperson | EllieB ’ s

Interview with parents

What makes parents smile ?

Here ’ s what Dawn and Betsy had to say when asked the question … What has the respite service and EllieB ’ s done for you as a parent ?
“ I have been using EllieB ’ s since the early 90 ’ s and while the service was not close to where we lived , the distance to travel for the experiences my daughter would have was worth it every time . We would always make the trip and the staff , simply amazing !
For the past 3 years , my daughter has been living in supported accommodation with EllieB ’ s . When this opportunity came about , I remember saying , “ my prayers have been answered ”.
I no longer have to worry about what will happen to her should anything happen to me or when I am no longer able to care for her . Instead , I have a lot of comfort and a sense of security knowing that she is in a good place , she ’ s safe and has a very good team around her .
It ’ s just like a sweet place for my daughter and us .
I can never thank EllieB ’ s enough for where we are or Wendy for her amazing leadership and drive to continually do what is best for all clients .
As a volunteer board member , my hope is to give back to EllieB ’ s because they have truly given me so much . I want to let everyone know just how incredible EllieB ’ s is !
I have immense gratitude for EllieB ’ s and can ’ t thank them enough for everything they have done for our daughter and for us as a family . “
- Betsy Tang
2 ebldisabilityservices . org . au