IXL Social Enterprise Case Studies Housing January 2012 | Page 2

Executive Summary/Table of Contents Revolutionizing the way to make housing affordable for everyone Going beyond the status quo - creating bigger, better, bolder, faster, and cheaper solutions Inadequate housing is an unrelenting problem for 1.6 billion people worldwide 3 Decent housing provides protection from weather, predators, and theft Demand for adequate housing is large—and growing Too many people don’t have the knowledge, rights, or finances to secure adequate housing HFHI is a leader in helping people get decent, affordable housing embedded in universal religious and social values 5 HFHI has a long history of partnership housing HFHI works around the world through affiliates New building methods, microfinance, and advocacy are some of the ways HFHI is driving implementation HFHI wants to reach 50 million people by 2022 Community development challenges make creating a housing solution difficult; urbanization and cultural complexity make scaling solutions even harder Building a “habitat” is more than just a house; it involves the complexities of a whole community Home ownership is more difficult in urban environments Local solutions are difficult to scale across geographies HFHI is moving from being a housing provider to a housing solutions enabler 9 This new design will require HFHI to rethink their models and innovate their strategy 11 Sharing information, managing partnerships, understanding the appropriate metrics, and using the right business models will be a challenge Can HFHI find the right combination of partnerships, innovative business models, and scalable housing solutions to reach 50 million people (10 million homes) in ten years? 13