IXL Social Enterprise Case Studies Energy January 2012 | 页面 2
Executive Summary /Table of Contents
Revolutionizing the way to make energy affordable for
Going beyond the status quo - to create bigger, better, bolder, faster, and
cheaper solutions
SunnyMoney wants to transform lighting in Africa
Millions of people in Africa could benefit from better lighting solutions
Light increases productivity and enriches life
Adequate light sources are widely available in Africa, but millions of people rely on
expensive off-grid lighting
Access to light also means access to energy
SunnyMoney is working to bring affordable off-grid solutions to Africa
SunnyMoney is a social enterprise that evolved out of SolarAid
SunnyMoney offers micro-lighting solutions
SunnyMoney has had a hard time building scale
SunnyMoney needs to address many challenges to achieve their goal
The market isn’t aware of the product, and potential customers are hard to reach
Potential customers don’t quickly see the benefits
Many customers can’t pay up front, or over time
The supply chain can’t respond quickly, and SunnyMoney’s batteries have an
expiration date
SunnyMoney needs new and better solutions to achieve wide-scale,
transformative impact
Are there new customers and experiences to target?
Are there new ways to deliver SunnyMoney’s solutions?
Are there new offerings that SunnyMoney can bring to the market?
Are there new ways to produce SunnyMoney’s solutions?
Are there new business models?
Are there new partners to collaborate with?
Can SunnyMoney get off-grid solar power and light to one million
households by the end of 2013?