IXL Social Enterprise Case Studies Education January 2012 | Page 14

Revolutionizing the way to make education affordable for everyone “Brazilian Ministry of Education plan large deployment with Mandriva Linux on Intel-powered classmate PCs,” Mandriva website, http://www.mandriva. com/en/news/?p=145&s=0, accessed November 14, 2011. 47 David Magee, How Toyota Became #1: Leadership Lessons from the World’s Greatest Car Company, (If this is a book—need Publication Location: PUBLISHER, Date), pp.161-165. 48 “Globalizing and Localizing Manufacturing: ‘Made by TOYOTA’—Aiming for Global Quality Assurance,” Toyota website, no date, http://www.toyotaglobal.com/company/vision_philosophy/globalizing_and_localizing_manufacturing/, accessed December 9, 2011. 49 Mary Moore, “One Laptop Per Child weighs going for-profit,” Boston Business Journal, http://www.bizjournals.com/boston/print-edition/2011/05/20/onelaptop-per-child-weights-going.html?page=all, accessed November 14, 2011. 50 “Conversion of Hospitals from Nonprofit to For-Profit Can Offer Community Benefits,” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, January 2001, http://www. rwjf.org/reports/grr/032501.htm, accessed December 9, 2011. 51 Sara R. Collins, Bradford H. Gray, and Jack Hadley, “The For-Profit Conversion Of Nonprofit Hospitals In The U.S. Health Care System: Eight Case Studies,” The Commonwealth Fund, May 2001, http://www.commonwealthfund.org/~/media/Files/Publications/Fund%20Report/2001/May/The%20 For%20Profit%20Conversion%20of%20Nonprofit%20Hospitals%20in%20the%20U%20S%20%20Health%20Care%20System%20%20Eight%20 Case%20Studies/collins_convstudies_455%20pdf.pdf, accessed December 9, 2011. 52 Collins, Gray and Hadley (2001). 53 Rodrigro Arboleda, Interview with Sergio Sarmiento of TV Azteca, Mexico City, March 31, 2010, http://www.sergiosarmiento.com/Foros/tabid/55/ forumid/5/threadid/1597/scope/posts/Default.aspx, accessed January 4, 2012. 46 14