IXL Social Enterprise Case Studies Chronic Diseases October, 2013 | Page 19
Improving Chronic Disease Care in Slums by 2019
Addendum: Create Successful Social
“As you work to create business plans
that advance shared opportunity, shared
responsibility, and shared prosperity, I
encourage you to take the opportunity
to learn from other companies and
organizations that have made strides in
NCD prevention and treatment.”
- President Clinton
Figure 16. The Innovation Value Chain can identify opportunity points
To develop a solution, lessons learned by other companies, NGOs and social enterprises in other
industries should be considered. IXL Center uses the innovation value chain to find growth and
opportunity in new areas. There are bright spots around each section of the innovation value chain
– market, delivery, offering, production and business model – that should be considered as inputs
when developing solutions for the poor (Figure 16).
Find customers who can pay
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