School of Nursing News
Doctorates in Progress
+ Angela Bailey, MSN, RN is pursuing a PhD from Capella University. She is projected to graduate in summer 2016.
+ Marcie Baird, MS, RN, FNP-C is pursuing a Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) at Ball State University and graduates in May 2014.
+ Meg Barnes, MSN, RN is part of the first cohort to attain a DNP at Indiana Wesleyan University. She plans to graduate in April 2015.
+ Debra Bohlender, PhD(c), MEd, RN-BC is pursuing a PhD from Capella University. She’ll graduate in March 2014.
+ Heather Brady, MS, RN is pursuing her DNP at Valparaiso University with plans to graduate in 2014.
+ Dot Clark-Ott, PhD(c), RN, NCSN is pursuing her PhD from Indiana University.
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Michelle Becker Berg I LOVE IWU School of
Nursing... It has been many years since graduation,
but I am ever thankful for the Godly professors and
the great education I received at IWU (Marion
College when I attended!). I try to get any student
who I know is going into nursing to attend IWU!
Susan Bray, MSN, RN (Graduate)
Sara Byers, BA (Dean’s Office)
DeLanna Clark, BSN, DNP-CNS (Post-licensure)
Sylvia Heinze, PhD, RN, AOCN (Graduate)
Frank Jackson, BS (Post-licensure)
Angela Mosier, AS (Graduate)
Publications and Presentations
+ Lee Ann Hawkins, PhD, MSN, RN authored “Testing a Novel Pictorial Medication Sheet to Improve Adherence in Veterans
with Heart Failure and Cognitive Impairment” in Heart and Lung: The Journal of Critical Care. She also published “Heart Rate Control in Patients with Chronic Atrial Fibrillation and Heart Failure” in Congestive Heart Failure.
+ Beth DeKoninck, DNP, RN, FNP-BC presented “Implementation and Evaluation of an Annual Skin Screening Program for
the Medically Underserved Population at a Free Clinic in Marion, Indiana” at the Second International Congress of Advanced
Practice Nursing and Advanced Nursing Practice, Everything Remains Different: Activities and Competencies of Advanced Practice
Nurses in Berlin.
+ Becky Hoffpauir, MSN, RN and Allison Sabin, MSN, RN, APHN-BC presented “Engaging and Leading RN to BSN Faculty:
Creative Use of an Online Learning System” at the Sigma Theta Tau International 42nd Biennial Convention in Indianapolis.
+ Barbara Ihrke, PhD, RN attended the International Saline Partnership Leadership Summit in Budapest, Hungary.
+ Rhonda Oldham, DNP, RN presented “Using the Integrative Research Review Process to Improve Patient Care Delivery” at
the Nursing Management Congress.
+ Linda Rieg, PhD, RN, CNE presented and was a panel member for The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, at the 24th International Nursing Congress in Prague, Czech Republic.
+ Brenda Sloan, MA, RN, ACNS-BC critically reviewed Critical Care Nursing, Seventh Edition by Urden, Stacy, and Lough.
School of Nursing SPRING 2014