IWACA Dream... Create... be who you are Summer Issue 2014 | Page 19

nudged Stinky with her nose. Her breath smelled like sweet cream.

With her dad’s help, Stinky climbed onto the Night Mare’s back, and held on to her white mane. The window flew open, and out into the night air the Night Mare and Stinky flew, climbing up, up, up into the starry sky, and far, far away.

“I don’t believe this!” shouted Anna Maria Alberghetti Christiana Gabriella Margaret Anne Jones, tossing her golden hair in the moonlight, and laughing uncontrollably.

“Just the same,” smiled her dad, whispering to himself and watching his daughter and the Night Mare sail away into the sky.

“It’s still true!”


IWACA | 19


What a cute, but great story. A massive thank you to Skip for participating in the Summer issue.

If you would like to feature a short story or an excert from your book like Skip, please send your queries to the following e-mail address:

[email protected]