iW Magazine iW Summer 2018 | Page 14

MASTHEAD ISOCHRON media group PU BLISHER Isochron Media Group GROU P PU BL ISH ER Gary George Girdvainis EDITOR I A L ON THE COVER This latest addition to the Chronoswiss Flying Grand Regulator Skeleton collection is a limited edition of thirty timepieces. The new watch combines two technical areas of expertise for the 35-year old watch company: skeleton movements with regulator dials. Find out how Chronoswiss is celebrating its anniversary, and see the newest Chronoswiss regulator watches starting on page 52 Editorial Director Gary George Girdvainis Editor-in-Chief Michael Thompson Worldwide Correspondents Marton Radkai Nitin Shankar Ted Diehl Martin Foster Managing Editor Nancy Olson Watch Culture Editor Steven J. Lundin European Editor Nola Martin North American Contributors Keith Flamer James Henderson Adam Craniotes James Lamdin Jan Tegler Leading Watch Retailer Editor Web Editor Janet Hechler A RT & PRODUC T ION Creative Direction Brain Bleach Media [email protected] www.brainbleachmedia.com Graphic Design Marcie Maler Art Director Silvio Del Monaco Original Photography Cargill Photography www.cargillphoto.com (203) 258-0099 BOARD OF ADVISORS: Al Armstrong, Owner Armstrong Rockwell Roberto Chiappelloni, Owner Manfredi Jewels Pierre Halimi, Watch Industry Member Don Loke, Certified Master Watchmaker Dr. Thomas Mao, Watch Expert Noel B. Poirier, Museum Director National Watch & Clock Museum, Columbia, PA John Reardon, Watch Expert Manuel Yazijian, Master Watchmaker (CMW 21) iW Middle East Edition c/o Vasken Chokarian Luxury Business Communications PO Box 474182 Dubai-UAE Phone: + 971 (0) 4 88 555 25 [email protected]. PRINT & ONLINE ADVERTISING INQUIRIES Gary Girdvainis, Group Publisher Phone (203) 485-6276 e-mail: [email protected] Subscriptions: [email protected] 25 Gay bower Rd. Monroe, CT 06468 Website: iwmagazine.com IW MAGAZINE is published six times per year both in print and digitally by Isochron Media Group, 25 Gay Bower Rd. Monroe, CT, 06468. One year (six issue) subscription $49. Copyright 2018, all rights reserved. Editorial inquiries should be sent to Isochron Media address. All views and opinions expressed within are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of IW MAGAZINE or ISOCHRON MEDIA, GROUP. ISSN 2169-5814 “The trademarks, logos, and service marks (collectively the “Trademarks”) displayed in this magazine are registered and unregistered trademarks of ISOCHRON MEDIA GROUP its affiliates and others. You can view trademarks owned by ISOCHRON MEDIA GROUP on Trademarkia at this link: http://www.trademarkia.com/company-isochron-media-llc-3824346-page-1-2. Nothing contained in this magazine should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark displayed in this magazine without the written permission of ISOCHRON MEDIA GROUP or such third party that may own the trademark displayed in this magazine. Your misuse of the Trademarks displayed on this Web Site, or any other content in this magazine, except as provided herein, is strictly prohibited.” 14 | INTERNATIONAL WATCH | SUMMER 2018 iWMAGAZINE .COM