iW Magazine Fall 2018 | Page 47

BY MICHAEL THOMPSON RESERVOIR JUMPS AHEAD The Paris-based watchmaker’s instrument-inspired jump hour dials keep wearers staring at their wrists. Reservoir North American Agent & Founding Partner Thierry Chaunu (BeauGeste Luxury Brands) and Reservoir founder Francois Moreau IT’S NOT JUST MEASURING TIME THAT INSPIRES FRANCOIS MOREAU, THE FOUNDER OF RESERVOIR WATCHES. IF HE SEES WELL-DESIGNED NUMERALS, HANDS AND MARKERS ON ANY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT OR GAUGE, HE’S ALL IN. “I HAVE ONE PARTICULAR PASSION WITH VINTAGE MEASURING INSTRUMENTS,” HE EXPLAINS. “I LOVE COCKPITS, DASHBOARDS, PRESSURE GAUGES AND MANOMETERS AND EVEN SUBMARINE COMMAND ROOMS. THESE COME WITH VERY STRONG DESIGN IDENTITIES AND CODES AS WELL AS VERY DIVERSE THEMES.” CONSIDER, FOR EXAMPLE, THE WIDE VARIETY OF DIAL DESIGNS FOUND ON THE DASHBOARDS OF SPORTS CARS, MOTORBIKES, BOATS AND AIRPLANES, HE ADDS. “THESE DESIGNS ALSO DIFFERED IN VARIOUS ERAS, INCLUDING THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, THE ART DECO YEARS AND EVEN IN THE 1970S.” businessman, Moreau was also a watch collector who was frustrated at the lack of what he considered innovative timepieces that were also affordable to a broad range of watch enthusiasts. He vowed to develop his own brand to meet these criteria. The resulting company, Reservoir, has quickly developed a passionate following with like-minded collectors while also making a name for itself well beyond the usual realm of ‘affordable’ brands. Just this year, Reservoir received accolades from its peers when the green- dialed Reservoir Longbridge British Racing watch (which can be seen on the cover of this issue of International Watch) was named as among the watches competing for the coveted Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève in the Challenge category of sporty, affordable watches. Not bad for a three-year-old watch company. Just a few years ago Moreau drew deeply on this love of measurement design as he was developing Reservoir, the Paris-based maker of affordable, THE DESIGNS instrument-inspired jumping-hour watches he founded in 2015. A globetrotting Moreau translated his love of instrument designs into five primary Reservoir FALL 2018 | INTERNATIONAL WATCH | 47