we had to procure two different platforms to accommodate all the registrants , 250 plus vendors , and over 75 workshops . Next , we contracted with a renowned website developer to build a portal around the two platforms . Our goal was to provide a seamless experience for our members . Lastly , to implement our first hybrid conference , dozens of videos from around the country were recorded and edited . We hired several production companies to pull it all together . In spite of the complicated process , we were poised and determined to make it happen !
TREASURE THE PAST AND LOOK ONWARD TO TOMORROW In our history book , Alpha Kappa Alpha Through the years 1908 – 1988 , Marjorie Parker states , “ Alpha Kappa Alpha is a repository for richer friendships , a bond of love , and a force of goodwill which assists women who , all over the world , are seeking a better life , to work , to try , and ultimately reach their goals . Alpha Kappa Alpha takes pride in its record . The story needs to be known and to be loved , always . To treasure the past is to enrich today and to strengthen tomorrow .”
We thank God for our Founders and former leaders who had the vision and insight to move this organization forward . Your Corporate Office staff also understands that we have played an essential part in the legacy of this organization . During this last year , we also realized that change and getting through a pandemic requires flexibility and energy . The Corporate Office staff members have been true champions during this season . I am very proud of each and every one of them . Our promise to you is that we as the Corporate Office will continue to carry out our duties and responsibilities with Excellence .
Lastly , let us ensure that each of us continues to take pride in our record and active responsibility in preserving and protecting our beloved sisterhood . As members of Alpha Kappa Alpha we must use every opportunity available to reinforce the values and beliefs that we hold so dear .
We are eternally grateful that our prized Ivy Leaf ® continues to exist to tell our story and provide proof of our record .
Sisterly Yours ,
Cynthia D . Howell
Cynthia D . Howell , Executive Director
About the Corporate Office
Office Hours 8:00 a . m . to 4:30 p . m . ( CST ) • Phone ( 773 ) 684-1282
As much as we would like to handle your concerns over the telephone , in many cases we are unable to do so ; some require research and some must be documented in writing for our records . For faster service , the following requests must be made in writing to the attention of the Membership Department :
• Non-receipt of Ivy Leaf ® magazine .
• Non-receipt of financial card or per capita inquiries .
• Name and address changes : old addresses mean returned mail . You may miss the Ivy Leaf ® and other sorority correspondence .
• Sorors may e-mail address changes to updates @ aka1908 . com . You must include your financial card number , old address and current address .
• If you have not already done so , please submit a Roster of Officers Form to the Membership Department . These forms were due in the Corporate Office in December .
• If the basileus and / or address listed on the website is incorrect , please fax or mail an updated Roster of Officers Form to the Membership Dept .
• per capita tax with eaf dues • late fines
• chapter tax
• stationery requests
• life membership fees
• supply orders
• general membership fees
• membership intake materials
• reinstatements
• Regional Conference dates and registration / info
• Approval to begin the Membership Intake Process
• Starting a new chapter
Celebrating 100 Years of Ivy Leaf ® Magazine
Using the newly enhanced FOR MEMBERS ONLY section of our website , you can instantly update your own mailing address . Members now have the ability to review their first name , address , phone , fax and e-mail information online and update their last name , contact information , birth date , and other personal information . An e-mail is sent to your account to confirm that the changes have been made . Once you gain access to the site , don ’ t forget to enter your e-mail address so that you can use the FORGOT MY PASSWORD feature as well as receive e-mail confirmation letters from the Corporate Office . If you are a first-time user , go to www . aka1908 . com and click Members Only .
Sorors who reactivate during the calendar year are required to pay a reactivation fee , EAF dues , chapter dues ( when applicable ), and the $ 200 Corporate Office Improvement Project ( COIP ) assessment .
Sorors who became 50-year members prior to July 31 , 1993 are exempt from the COIP assessment . Sorors who became 50-year members after August 1 , 1993 are responsible for the COIP assessment .
PERSONAL CHECKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED . Chapter checks are acceptable but may not be postdated . All cashier ’ s checks , money orders and chapter checks must be made payable to ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY , INC . ® Any cashier ’ s checks , money orders and chapter checks made payable in any other way will be returned . On cashier ’ s checks and money orders please note how monies should be allocated .
The “ Chapter Locator ” may be found at www . aka1908 . com .
Spring 2021 I vyL eaf ® 5