M essage From the Supreme Basileus
Dear Sorors :
We are now more than 18 months into the global pandemic , and , thanks to you , Alpha Kappa Alpha has not missed a beat . I have simply been amazed by the innovative ways local chapters and even chapter foundations have risen to the challenge of this present age and served mankind virtually . Our undergraduate members continue to excel academically and prepare themselves to take their places in a new and different world . We celebrated our 2021 graduates again in a special Virtual Commencement Ceremony for nearly 2,000 graduates featuring U . S . Congresswoman Nikema Williams as the commencement speaker . We also extended special recognition to the graduates with the highest grade-point averages in each of our 10 regions . The sky is definitely the limit for our undergraduate members , and the future of Alpha Kappa Alpha looks bright , as you will see in the pages that follow .
Over the summer , in July , we held our 2021 Leadership Seminar , which was combined with Part II of the 69th Boule . A small group of fully vaccinated sorority leaders , including members of the Directorate , International Committee Chairmen , and the 69th Boule Part II Conference Chairs , gathered in person following strict COVID protocols with more than 28,000 sorors virtually . Sorors carried out the business of Alpha Kappa Alpha ; participated in seminars , workshops , and certification trainings ; and engaged in creative sisterly relations events and activities as we exemplified excellence in the Pink Easy . Highlights of the combined conferences were the induction of eight extraordinary Honorary Members , a Conversation with Soror Phylicia Rashad , and a lively rendition of the recently adopted official stroll to Set it Off performed by Strafe . By any measure , the 69th Boule Part II / 2021 Leadership Seminar was a success . I am grateful to the Boule Leadership Chairs , International Leadership Development Committee , Executive Team , and Corporate Office Staff for their indispensable contributions to this team effort .
The summer also brought us the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo . Also , in this issue , you will see the ways in which Alpha Kappa Alpha continues to be a present and undeniable force in the field of athletics . The athletic prowess of first-rounder Soror A ’ ja Wilson on the hardcourt garnered her a gold medal in the Tokyo Olympiad to add to her growing list of awards , including the 2020 WNBA MVP . You also will be treated to a retrospective of other Alpha Kappa Alpha Olympians who have medaled over the years .
As has become an annual staple of the Excellence administration , we kicked off the final year with the International Day of Prayer observed in Tulsa , Oklahoma to fittingly pay homage to the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Massacre . What a time we had ! Sorors in the Mid-Western Region , under the leadership of Mid-Western Regional Director Twyla Woods-Buford and the International Day of Prayer Committee , received us warmly and hosted us hospitably following strict COVID protocols . I can think of no better way to complete the last leg of this journey of service , and we are prepared to finish strong .
Finally , let me express my continued appreciation to each of you for all you have done to move the programs of Alpha Kappa Alpha forward , especially during this pandemic . I have unquestionably missed the opportunity to fellowship with members around the country and internationally . I pray I might safely gather with you more in person in the months to come . Please continue to remain vigilant as we slowly ease in-person gathering restrictions . We are counting on you to do your part to assist us in our efforts by getting vaccinated , following safety protocols , and acting responsibly by being our sister ' s keeper . I am honored to serve as your Supreme Basileus .
Humbly Yours for Alpha Kappa Alpha ,
Soror Glenda Glover Supreme Basileus
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