IVSA Newsletter 2018 Spring/Summer IVSA Journal 2018 Spring/Summer edtion | Page 6

Charlotte Gloudi

What is IVSA for me and why am I working as an IVSA Secretariat? I started worki

ng for IVSA the Netherlands two ye

ars ago. The Netherlands has a

great university, but their int ernationalization is not as

developed as most peo

ple would like it to be,

including my own. Tha

t’s why I wanted tohel

p organize more intern

ational contacts, intern

ships, and exchanges. Th

rough my work as EO of th

e Netherlands, I went to my

first Congress in Malaysia. I

experienced such warmth, en

thusiasm, hospitality, and supp

ortiveness amongst all the participa

nts towards each other, that I started not

IVSA the Netherlands

DAD secretariat

So, thank you all for your effort in making a difference for each other. I’m proud to be a part of it.


Hi! I am Charlotte from the Netherlands, and working as Secretariat for the DAD a.k.a. Luci. I’m in my 4th year of my study and specializing in small animal medicine. As a typical Dutch girl, I LOVE cheese! In my free time I like to play volleyball, sing quite loud and love to hang out with my friends.

only seeing IVSA as an opportunity, but

as so much more than that! I really

believe that the students of IVSA

can help each other evolve in

their knowledge, challenge

each other to be better

veterinarians, and above

all help each other

reaching higher levels of

our profession. And

because our ExCo has so

much work on their hands, I

wanted to help out and

thought that the direction of

the DAD was most suitable for

me. The DAD organizes

multiple scholarships and helps

universities in need. This help is

possible only, by sponsorship and you guys, our IVSA members.

Charlotte is...