...Now What ?
1 Month
Confirm all vendors and provide a wedding
day timeline
Give photographer and videographer your
image requests
1 Day Before
Visit Scandinave for your massage and spa
Get a mani/ pedi
Enjoy your wedding rehearsal & dinner
Create wedding program Give gifts to attendants
Organize RSVPs as they arrive Get some sleep!
Finalize seating arrangements
Book spa and massage treatments at Scandinave
Purchased gifts for wedding attendants
Final dress fitting and pick up!
2 Weeks Away
Follow up with any guests not yet RSVP’d
Give final numbers to caterer
Break in your wedding shoes!
Get a haircut and color
Give playlists to DJ/ Musicians
Delegate wedding day set up duties
Write thank you notes for any gifts you’ve received
1 Week Away
Prepare a wedding day itinerary for the
wedding party
Confirm last minute changes with vendors
Pick up groom & groomsmen tuxedoes
Prepare “day-of” payments and gratuity envelopes
The Big Day
Eat – a healthy breakfast and savour dinner
Drink – lots of water
Get Married!