ITT Year In 2015 - All The Christian News & Events | Page 9

The role is leadership in the Body of Christ is in turmoil because, Saints or Believers are ignorant of the scriptures, because we do not read we draw our own opinions instead of reading the bible. Hooping and hollering in a Microphone, doesn’t make you a pastor, the Bible has set guidelines up for leadership roles and those roles are being reversed. 1Timothy 2:12 - But will not suffer a woman to teach, nor usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. Usurp - to take ( a position of power or importance) illegally or by force. A woman is just a vital to the work of the ministry as any man but, understanding your role is important because, when you understand your role then you are not out of position and the word of God is effective when we follow the guidelines of the Scriptures and govern ourselves accordingly. Blessings to All!!!