ITT Year In 2015 - All The Christian News & Events | Page 7

Again you might ask what are the components of my life that fit together to make me ‘whole’? I found some key points that relate to our success in this area or can cause strain. Below are a few of the components that help to make our lives ‘whole’. I found some key points that relate to our success in this area or can cause strain. Below are a few of the components that help to make our lives ‘whole’. Integrity; not the ‘just do good’ but having an inner sense of ‘wholeness’; consistency to the extent of acting according to your own personal values, beliefs and principles. How many times do we find ourselves wanting to ‘fit in’ and in doing so we compromise our true values. Self-Awareness; having a clear perception of yourself Our society promotes our outer appearance being the true depiction of self but I have witnessed those with exquisite outer facades who struggle internally. We must be honest about our inner selves. How do I perceive ‘me’, how do others perceive ‘me’ and is that congruent with what I intend to represent. Do I truly understand my strengths and my weaknesses? And am I confident enough to operate my life building on my strengths and allow others to operate and assist with my weaknesses? Self-Esteem; is a perception based on personal experiences and events Recognizing that your life experiences affect who you are today; both good and bad. Understanding this principle helps you to appreciate the good and build upon lessons learned from the past; putting together the pieces of your life to make you whole. We have briefly defined of Personal Development and Self-Actualization and touched on some key points that will assist in gathering the components required to make our lives whole. Now we must ask “how do I put the pieces together to operate in a self-fulfilled and actualized life”. Let’s remember this is a journey and it takes consistent evaluation and redirection to perfect our existence; living with Integrity, self-awareness and self-esteem. Let’s continue on this journey together. Please stay tuned as we explore further the components of ‘Becoming the Best You’. Submitted by, Christina Randle, LSCSW