ITT Year In 2015 - All The Christian News & Events | Page 3

President’s Office Well, 2016 is here and it has been declared by the Body of Christ to be the Year of Re- lease. Yet in 2015 the Church world faced one of most turbulent years of adversity and onslaught that we have seen in the last 30years. The 9 Saints of the South Carolina AME Church killed after a young white man came into their bible study and shot them. The beauty of the situation is the families were still able to forgive even in the midst of pain. The Church faced yet another challenge from the leadership of this country, when the United States Supreme Court decided to endorse a sinful view of marriage. Although we claim In God We Trust when our loyalties show the truth is we don’t trust in God. We read in the Bible were God put Adam to sleep and formed Woman, and after Adam saw her - He said bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh and he called her woman, but we have Gospel Music Artists defending Homosexuality, Pastor’s defending Sin and even apologizing to people who practice immoral living, when God called the very act an Abomination. This word is defined in the dictionary as extreme hatred. So if 2016 is going to be a year of release then the Church must take a stand for Righteousness sake. Someone said the other day this nothing new true, but the Church has become weak because we want material gain at the price of being comfortable with Sin, that’s why we have reality shows when this is the sinful nature appetite of the World and the Church should not be a part of it, but the Word says The Love of Money is the root of all Evil, we would rather have money than stand for righteousness. So, if 2016 is the year of release then the Body Christ must take a stand against Sin and unrighteousness because the World is looking for the Church to provide Spiritual, direction to the nation and when we become comfortable with Sin we lack the power or authority to release anything. 2016 The Year of Release for The Righteous who take a Stand!