ITT Nov/ Dec 2015 | Page 4

Preaching Vs. Psychology Why preaching become a form of Manipulation In 2015, Preaching in the Protestant or Pentecostal Organism has become about art form filled with clichés that are not sound doctrine or found in the Bible. Yet, social media is filled with videos that are down right embarrassing, and leaving people ignorant of what salvation really is. The real truth about preaching in today’s church is psychology which is the study of the mind which our supposedly Prophets, Apostles, use to manipulate you into not knowing exactly what they are doing how? Here is 10 clichés used in today’s sermons designed to manipulate 1. 2. 3. 4. Turn around 3 times Tell 3, 10 people etc., Tell the devil Touch your neighbor, high five your neighbor 5. It’s already done 6. When I count to 3 7. If you sow a seed of $______, watch your credit score change 8. I need about 100 people to run for a super natural miracle 9. Some of you act like you been saved all your life 10.There is shift in the atmosphere These are just a few of the many clichés, that are used by today’s preachers designed to psychology manipulate crowds of people into a heightened state of emotion in order to raise money and lift offerings. Sure nobody will say anything, because we created a habit were convention attendees expect, an unrealistic message about their life that has absolutely nothing to do w