ITT December 2013 I ssue | Page 4

Today’s Church Occurrence Vs. Resolution In 2012, people seem to be more concerned with what has occurred than where they are going. Occurrence is - Something that occurs; Resolution is - The act of answering: solving; The act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones. Everyday as human beings we have occurrences on the Job, At Home, Driving down the Street, etc., just in life period. At some point the goal should be to find or create a resolution to keep your life moving forward, as individuals we have a tendency to get stuck on what has occurred which holds us hostage and we refuse to seek for a resolution because, we are stuck on what has occurred. Occurrences are a part daily living and cannot be avoided regardless of but, finding resolutions for those occurrences keep us moving forward. Often times as Christian believers we blame Satan ( devil ) for occurrences such as a, Flat Tire on a Car, Toothache, etc., these are daily living occurrences, they will occur at some point but, will you allow what has occurred to hold you hostage in your spiritual walk. As Christians ,if we would learn to realize that just because we have given our lives to Christ doesn’t give us a free pass to avoid occurrences why? Because we are human just like the next person but, it ho ܁ݔ