itSMFI 2016 Forum Focus - December Forum Focus ITSMFIV3 | Page 8

also motivation , ethics and attitude . All these aspects have a reflection on the behaviour of a person , which itself is part of the Second Quadrant .
The impact of the First Quadrant on IT Service Management can often be observed in a person ' s behaviour : this is a result of whether this person is actually motivated to follow the ITSM framework that he needs to work in , whether he has enough knowledge of it to understand what the importance is of following a Release and Deployment process or whether he feels dumbed down by having to follow a prescribed procedure rather than doing things his own way . All this is embedded in a person ' s attitude towards the organisation and the processes in it .
Attitude is influenced by an aspect from the third quadrant , viz . communication . In the previous section the relevance of setting up an effective communication method was indicated . Communication needs to take place at various levels ; not only to smaller or larger groups within the organisation , but also at a personal level . Individuals are unique people who each have their own perspectives on life , work and how they want to function . It therefore requires an individual approach for people to be pulled across the line to be able to work within a framework that has been decided for them . Or rather : the framework should have been decided together with the people that need to work with it – this is much preferable in order to get them motivated to follow it .
People may have all sorts of objections to the way of working within a company . These may be based on knowledge , emotions , ethical considerations or motivational issues , to name the main ones . Communication is needed in all these areas for the following reasons .
Knowledge : a cognitive understanding of ITSM and its role in the organisation is a first step towards acceptance of it . Emotions : emotions need to be taken seriously , in particular when organisational change is being implemented . In no case should emotions be ignored , for they often convey the most direct response to what is being dealt with . Ethics : there may be a conflict between corporate ethical standards and an individual ' s sense of morality . In this case , if an individual has issues with the company ' s level of ethics , it is up to that person to comply with the company ' s level or choose another place to work . Compromise is sometimes possible , but the company cannot likely adapt to an individual ' s moral standards .
� Motivation : similar to what was said under " knowledge ," the emphasis should be on the " why " of the implementation of ITSM in a company . The benefits to the company , the customers , but also to the individual employees must be made clear . This will stimulate the motivation of the individuals working there .
All these elements should lead to an attitude of individual employees that supports behaviour in line with what is needed to be successful in the framework of an IT Service Management environment .
Second Quadrant Aspects
The second quadrant is about externally observable aspects of the individual : physical development , health , but in the context of ITSM it is mostly about behaviour . Behaviour is the externally observable reflection of a person ’ s attitude .
Desired behaviour of individuals in a company should not only be about compliance to rules , processes and procedures . Rather , it should be about the willingness of those individuals to work within a Service Management System that has been set up to facilitate their activities . The willingness to comply will come more quickly if the motivation for it comes from the person himself ; this willingness is closely related to the individual ’ s attitude as well as to the communication from management discussed previously .
People will only willingly comply with the use of systems or the application of processes if they see the value of these for themselves . Value indicates whether someone sees the relevance of a system or process to what their everyday job is . It is the value of a Service Management System for people ’ s work activities that needs to be made clear to them . This comes back to the relevance of communication during the initial implementation of or a change to ( part of ) an SMS , but also on-going during the use of it . Feedback from end-users needs to be collected to assess whether an implementation actually provides value for them or not .
The appropriate behaviour ( second quadrant ) therefore depends on how the attitude ( first quadrant ) of the individuals gets influenced by the proper communication ( third quadrant ) and acceptance of the value of the SMS ( fourth quadrant ). This is an example where all four quadrants in the Integral Model are linked to and influence each other .
Fourth Quadrant Aspects
As indicated earlier , the majority of what constitutes ITSM fits in this fourth quadrant . This quadrant looks at the structure of an
8 itSMFI Forum Focus — December 2016