itSMF Bulletin itSMF Bulletin September 2018 | Page 4


RESILIA™ launched in 2015, is a cyber resilience Best Practice framework brought to you by AXELOS. When I mention the name RESILIA™ most people look at me blankly, then I say, you’ve heard of ITIL right? In just seconds, their expression changes from “What the….?” to, “of course I’ve heard of ITIL what sort of idiot am I?”.

If you agree with millions of ITSM professionals and you like what ITIL brings to the table, you really need to get your head around RESILIA. This isn’t a sales pitch, this is a certified expert giving you the low-down on the future of Cyber resilience and how it integrates with ITIL.

How many data breaches do you think occurred in August 2018?

10, 20, 100, 200 million? Well this is where it gets tricky. The number that was reported, was in excess of 215 million!

• 130 million was from a Chinese hotel chain

• 380,000 customers credit card details were stolen from British Airways by the same group of attackers responsible for the Ticketmaster UK breach. For access to the full list of breaches see the link below.

Don’t fool yourself, it’s not just big business that is included in this list. As I noted above, this is ONLY the reported numbers,


By Scott Tunn

To be resilient means to be able to defend and bounce back after an “incident”. Being Cyber resilient is no different to being flu resilient. When you catch a cold, you don’t want to be suffering the effects of that cold for weeks or months after first being infected. Your business can’t afford to be continually infected and suffer. Using global Best Practice RESILIA will give you the best opportunity to ‘protect, detect and recover’.