In an ideal world, all of our teams would be made up of long-standing subject-matter experts, used to working together collaboratively to deliver solutions and create value for our organizations. But our delivery teams are often project-based. So we have been focused on finding better ways to explore project scope at the start of a project, when there can be a level of uncertainty and complexity that must be addressed quickly to ensure that we deliver the best outcomes for our organization.
This article is about one of the ways we use the
Cynefin Framework to help plan our work in the
early stages of a project in order to make better
use of the time and the skills of our people.
Cynefin, a framework created by Dave Snowden of Cognitive Edge, is a sense-making tool that people who work in areas as diverse as manufacturing, government, and IT find very useful. It helps us identify the sub-types of work and the practical ways to combine different methods and approaches for effective problem solving and delivery. In essence, it’s a tool used for sensing what type of system we are working in and checking that the approaches we are using are suitable, especially in uncertain and/or complex environments.