itSMF Bulletin December 2020 | Page 23

Have you ever applied your ITSM skills outside of work?

Yes, in team sports, both as a player and coach. Applying the principles of CSI and to an extent applying the 4 Ps' principles from V3 (People/Process/Products and Partners) to improve team results on the cricket, rugby and football fields. Having the ability to lead from every position and quickly adapt to a changing environment is essential for optimal results, which goes hand-in-hand with Agile working principles in both a competitive workplace and on the sporting field.

What do you see as the biggest challenge or ‘next big thing’ for ITSM professionals over the next couple of years and what do we as ITSM professionals need to do to address these challenges/opportunities?

ITSM is here to stay and is only going to become more and more relevant as companies look to maximise value and business return through all things Service Management. At the heart of everything is people. Connecting people to services, to technology but most importantly to each other. Roles will naturally evolve and die however the need for delivering services efficiently and effectively can only be achieved through outstanding customer service and ensuring individuals at every level feel truly empowered. It is also paramount to imbed these values in your corporate culture and inspire the younger generation with such principles.

What's the most valuable piece of advice you have been given in your professional career?

When making critical decisions never assume anything. Listen carefully to what others are saying, gather opinions before making up your own mind.

It's better to take a moment and make a sound judgement call, then waste time rectifying a knee jerk one.

What advice would you give young people who have chosen a career in technology?

We live in a VUCA world and change is not only constant but inevitable. Therefore keep an open mind and go with what you feel passionate about. If you enjoy what you do, everything else will come naturally. Don't pigeon-hole yourself in one direction but explore different opportunities. Your career should not be aimed at sprinting to the finish line but rather a step by step journey of progression.

What do you like to do when you are not working?

All things sporting and spending time with my wife and two young boys

One word that could describe your experience of itSMF Australia?


Have you ever been to an itSMF Conference, if so what was your conference experience like and do you have a lasting memory?

Yes in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. The most recent conference in Brisbane (2019) was outstanding, brilliant location, fantastic presentations throughout, a genuine feeling of community spirit and topped off with a memorable river cruise to host the Annual Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony. I'd highly recommend it, regardless if you are a corporate or individual member such as myself.