itSMF 2017 June Bulletin Bulletin -June 2017 | Page 7

the basis of future plans . Case-based reasoning is a prominent kind of analogy making . In modern enterprises such reasoning forms the basis of process creation , strategic planning and other situations where the application of such principles and approaches is intended to create structure , influence outcomes and formalise decision making approaches .
However , there is a school of thought that suggests that whilst the past may be considered a useful baseline , in isolation it is over simplistic . Promoting that previous successful actions should be considered the basis for future success fails to consider both context and the complexity of thought and deed . Such problem solving is necessary within the environments most IT professionals work in and yet we frequently rely upon case based reasoning ; production line models of process control and best practice frameworks that have evolved from a manufacturing and not services environment . Perhaps the time has come to broaden this traditional approach to leadership and decision making and form a new perspective based on complexity science . The idea you can derive theory just from observation is not enough . During conditions of uncertainty look instead to natural science to support the management of complex situations .
( pronounced ku-nev-in ), is a Welsh word , its closest translation means " habitat ". The term was chosen to describe a perspective on the evolutionary nature of complex framework .
“ The framework provides a typology of contexts that guides what sort of explanations or solutions might apply . It draws on research into complex adaptive systems theory , cognitive science , anthropology , and narrative patterns , as well as evolutionary psychology , to describe problems , situations , and systems . It proposes new approaches to communication , decision-making , policy-making , and knowledge management in complex social environments ” ( 2 ).
( 1 ) http :// cognitive-edge . com / videos / cynefinframework-introduction /
( 2 ) http :// cynefin . bangor . ac . uk / cynefin . php . en
Cynefin , literally means – “ Place of your multiple belongings ”. The sense that you are rooted in many different pasts which profoundly influences what you are but of which you can only ever be partially aware . The Cynefin framework exists to help us realise that all situations are not created equal and that different situations require different responses to successfully navigate them . The framework sorts the issues facing leaders into five contexts defined by the nature of the relationship between cause and effect . Four of these — simple , complicated , complex , and chaotic — require leaders to diagnose situations and to act in contextually appropriate ways . The fifth — disorder — applies when it is unclear which of the other four contexts is predominant .
The first domain is ‘ Obvious ’ - in which the relationship between cause and effect is obvious to all ; the
I am an advocate of best practice approaches and I have actively used many of them throughout my 25 years in IT . My thinking has been challenged by the work of Professor Dave Snowden ( 1 ).
7 itSMF Bulletin — June 2017
The work of Snowden and his team was initially in the areas of knowledge management , cultural change , and community dynamics . It subsequently became concerned with some critical business issues , such as product development , market creation , and branding . Dave developed the Cynefin Framework .