Its Time To Teach A New Way & Address Racial Violence Through Literac 1 | Page 2

The text sets, music, and interview with Dr. Umar Johnson that I have compiled focuses on the concept/theme of racial violence in the United States today as well as yesterday against Black men and boys. The selected texts, music, and interview are meant to capture multiple perspectives about the traumas felt throughout communities of marginalized people around the world. Teachers must wake up and begin to teach a new way. They must allow students in classrooms to create spaces to address and express the racial violence that continues to batter the neighborhoods where they live through literary expression and honest conversations.

It is my hope that uncomfortable conversations can take place for those teachers who are otherwise privileged in their "Vanilla Suburbs" and "Gentrified Ghettos" and teach students in "Chocolate Cities" who have lived experiences of racial violence. It should be the goal of each teacher to disrupt the systemic