ITPLAST Ottobre 2022 | Page 17

ECONOMY AND MARKET conditioned by well known negative factors characterizing economic reality , beyond the natural process of adjustment of the curve of supply and demand , after the spikes that followed the Covid crisis : increases in the costs of raw materials and energy , and especially the difficulty in obtaining components , the increase in transport fees , and international tensions , as well as the uncertainties associated with repeated waves of the pandemic . These were the key themes in Previero ’ s talk , stressing that it is now indispensable that companies be able to adapt rapidly to the global context , now characterized by a sequence of disruptive events : emergencies seem to have become the new normal . Previero went on to confirm the effectiveness of synergy with Acimac ( Association of Italian Manufacturers of Machinery and Equipment for Ceramics ) and Ucima ( Italian Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association ), which has made it possible to share and make available a 2 . series of increasingly up-to-date and customized services to member companies , supporting them in their day-to-day operations . His talk was followed by the round table discussion “ Energy , Environment , Finance : the new paradigm ”.
SECTOR DATA The second National Statistics Study by the MECS- Amaplast Statistical Study Centre produces a snapshot of some 400 Italian manufacturers of plastics and rubber processing machinery , equipment , and moulds , employing more than 13,900 people and generating revenues of over 4 billion euros in 2021 (+ 12 % over 2020 ). The average export ratio is 72 %, with peaks of 82 % for larger companies . And it is the companies in the category with turnover in excess of 50 million euros ( less than 5 % of the total ) that made the greatest contribution to revenues ( over 38 % of overall revenues for the industry ). As regards geography , most of the companies ( approximately 52 %) are located in Lombardy , primarily in the provinces of Varese , Milan , and Brescia . Next in line are the regions of EmiliaRomagna with 15 %, Veneto with 13 %, and Piedmont with 9 %. As regards the customer categories of machinery manufacturers , packaging is again in first place , representing 41 % of the total ( 27 % food and 14 % non-food ), followed by automotive with 18 %, and construction with 10 %, just to mention the principal outlet markets . The medical segment also bears mentioning : although it amounts to a relatively small percentage of the total ( 5 %, one point higher than in 2020 ), it recorded a rather non-surprising 38 % increase in revenues for machinery suppliers . In line with the results of the previous survey , among the macrocategories of machinery , extruders again represented the lion ’ s share of overall production , with 19 % of the total . They are followed by auxiliaries with 14 %, injection moulding machines at 11 %, and moulds / dies for plastic at just under 8 %. The
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A moment from the Amaplast assembly on 7 July last Ein Moment aus der Amaplast-Versammlung vom 7 . Juli
2021 results are complemented by the indicators for the first quarter of 2022 , which describe a continuing positive trend : with respect to the same period in 2021 , orders are up by 10 %, revenues by 16 %, exports by 13 %, and imports by 9 %. Expectations for the second quarter are also marked by a certain optimism , at least as regards orders , estimated to have increased further by 67 %. Naturally , various unknowns and issues that follow upon one another and have now been overlapping for months generate no small concern among business owners , who remain cautiously optimist , expecting the balance to be positive again in 2022 , but less brilliant than last year .
Rege Nachfrage , aber die Unsicherheiten wiegen schwer
Dario Previero , der Vorsitzende von Amaplast hat auf der Anfang Juli stattgefundenen Versammlung die zweite nationale statistische Erhebung vorgestellt , die vom MECS-Amaplast-Forschungszentrum durchgeführt wurde und über rund 400 italienische Unternehmen Aufschluss gibt , die Maschinen , Ausrüstungselemente und Werkzeuge / Formen für die Kunststoff- und Kautschukindustrie herstellen , über 13.900 Personen beschäftigen und im Jahr 2021 einen Umsatz von über 4 Mrd . Euro erwirtschaftet haben (+ 12 % gegenüber 2020 ). Eine sehr rege Nachfrage auf nationaler Ebene - unterstützt durch Industrie-4.0-Anreize - und ein guter Exporttrend , insbesondere in Richtung nordamerikanischer Markt , haben es ermöglicht , das Vor-Covid- Niveau zu erreichen , und die Unternehmen sind auch für das laufende Jahr verhalten zuversichtlich . Natürlich sind das Ausmaß und die Konsolidierung des Aufschwungs von den inzwischen bekannten negativen Faktoren abhängig , die die wirtschaftliche Lage kennzeichnen , obwohl sich die Kurve von Angebot und Nachfrage nach den Spitzenwerten im Anschluss an die Covid-19-Krise erst einmal normalisiert hat : aber die Rohstoff- und Energiekosten steigen an und vor allem ist die Beschaffung von Maschinenteilen schwierig geworden , die Transporttarife haben sich erhöht , und die internationalen Spannungen sowie die Unsicherheiten aufgrund des Wiederauftretens von Pandemiewellen machen allen zu schaffen . Dies sind genau die Schlüsselthemen , die der Vorsitzende Previero in seiner Rede ansprach und betonte , wie wichtig es für Unternehmen heute ist , sich schnell an den globalen Kontext anzupassen , der immer öfter mit störenden Ereignissen zu kämpfen hat : Der Notfall scheint heute zur neuen Normalität geworden zu sein .
Italian technology plast / October 2022