ITPLAST Ago/Sep 2023 | Page 13

| by Paolo Spinelli



| by Paolo Spinelli

Despite not being held at the best time of the year , Plast 2023 has to remain an important event in the Italian plastics industry ’ s calendar .
The wait has been longer than usual : five years instead of the usual three . But Plast 2023 , the fair taking place in Milan from 5 to 8 September , is
now about to open its doors following the hiatus forced upon us by the pandemic .
Let ’ s not beat around the bush : the timing of the event is not ideal . These dates will oblige exhibitors , especially those having to handle complex machinery and equipment , to return from their holidays early . Unfortunately , with other events already assigned slots and other alternatives no longer
available , the organisers found themselves with a limited choice of dates available for exhibitions at the Rho-Pero venue .


But that is not to say that Italian industry should become less committed to Plast . We may well
have some doubts about many aspects , starting with , as we have said , the dates of the event or
the exclusive “ Italianness ”, real or presumed , of the visitors to it . We may be concerned about its
diminished appeal or about many other aspects . But Plast is still a fair worth defending : because
it is our fair , an event that belongs to Italian companies that innovate , that make quality products ,
that are not afraid to take on markets ( even the most challenging and distant ones ), and that deserve , at least once every three years , to “ play at
home ”.
We need to look beyond the “ creation of a system ” which , I would say , is an objective that has already largely been achieved . Now it is a question of
recognising that the companies in this sector have common interests , one of which is the availability of an event , in Italy , through which to showcase
their technologies and attract visitors from abroad .
So , is it in the interests of Italian industry to hold a major international fair in Italy ? I think so . And I say this despite the fact that the event organiser
is also the publisher of a competing magazine . Therefore , I urge all sector operators to come along to Plast 2023 . After which , everyone can have
their say , criticising it positively or negatively , and highlighting the advantages and the shortcomings , the problems and the opportunities .
In the meantime , have a great fair , everyone !
www . plastmagazine . it
Italian technology plast / August / September 2023