In un'atmosfera amichevole Mistero ci ha raccontato come si è evoluta la sua carriera artistica nel Metaverso, ci ha spiegato come e da dove prende ispirazione per le sue realizzazioni e ci ha divertiti rispondendo a chi dei suo quadri dava interpretazioni di tutti i tipi, collocandole tra l'espressionismo ed il metafisico ed oltre.
Per chi volesse visitare l'esposizione, i quadri resteranno esposti 15 giorni. Ad ogni quadro è associata una canzone che si può ascoltare da web accettando il link che propone il quadro toccandolo.
The Fool, A Lie, The Magician and The Kingdom of Tango skim the putrid waters of the swamp of Italian Mood, while, in the mist, is getting an overwhelming sound of songs that tell stories far.
The Mysterious Visions sprouting here and there In the unsettling ambience created by the builder SognoEstate (www.sognoestate.com), are the paintings of Mistero Hifeng, who declined to be called "artist in Second Life."
We did not expect a large number of visitors to an exhibition of paintings already presented at other times in other galleries in SL, instead we were pleasantly surprised at the attendance and attention that this show has gotten.
The works of mystery, have been looked at, studied, heard and bought.
In a friendly atmosphere, Mistero told us how it has developed his artistic career in the Metaverse, he explained how and from where he draws inspiration for his accomplishments and we have fun, listening to those who gave interpretations of his paintings of all types, placing them between expressionism and metaphysical and beyond.
For those wishing to visit the exhibition, the paintings will be on display 15 days. Each picture is associated with a song you can hear from accepting the web link that provides the framework by touching it.