Italian American Digest Winter Digest 2018 | Page 11
Italian American Digest
Sons of Italy Have
a Festive Fall
By Linda Serio
The Sons of Italy honored area law enforcement and first responders.
Christmas in front of the Duomo di Cefalù / Source:
on Christmas Eve night. A
Christmas lullaby is sung
through the streets of Cefalù,
a tradition surely celebrated
by our ancestors when they
lived in Cefalù many years
ago. Of course, the town is
decorated with colorful lights
and bright decorations just as
we practice here in the Unit-
ed States. Traditional sweets
like cannoli and cassata are
eaten. Then, on New Year’s
Eve, the people in Cefalù
anxiously await the arrival of
la Vecchia Stina, the old lady
who will descend from La
Rocca and bring the children
sweets and gifts.
Our Italian traditions are
well-established because
of the large population of
Italian immigrants who
came to Louisiana and made
their home here, especially
in New Orleans. On March
19th, many Italian-Amer-
icans throughout the city
honor St. Joseph with altars
in churches, grocery stores,
homes, and schools. A big
tradition here in New Or-
leans is to form a parade and
march through the streets—
there is even a St. Joseph
altar in the parade.
This year the Cefalutana
Society brought back a long-
standing tradition, the annual
spaghetti dinner. On No-
vember 3rd, at the Knights
of Columbus Hall in Ken-
ner, 35 people attended the
dinner. There were people
representing the East Jeffer-
son Italian-American Soci-
ety Ladies Auxiliary. There
were some attendees who
traveled from Arkansas. Joe
Denone played his repertoire
of traditional Italian songs.
Sal Serio, past president of
the Cefalutana Society, led
everyone in the Italian dance
the Tarantella. A member of
the East Jefferson Italian-
American Society, Augie
Accardi, did a short stand-up
routine of famed comedian
Rodney Dangerfield. A good
time was had by all who at-
tended this Cefalutana event.
The Cefalutana’s annual
business meeting to plan the
next year of events is com-
ing up in February 2019.
Please check the Cefalutana
Society’s website, www., for
the date and time of this
meeting. And remember, we
all should strive to share our
Italian traditions with fami-
lies and friends all year long.
he Sons of Italy hosted our Law
Angelo Brocato seed cookies were a big
Enforcement Appreciation event—
hit here in the northern part of the state.
“We Back the Badge”—again this year.
We are preparing for our annual
Area law enforcement and first respond-
Christmas party, to be held again at the
ers were invited to spend Columbus Day
El Dorado Casino ballroom. The drawing
with us at Ranchland Uniforms. They
for our Club Raffle will take place at the
were treated to meatball subs prepared by party, and someone will win the 65-inch
Ernest’s Orleans Restaurant, and Fr. Joe
TV donated by Vice President Joe Fer-
Martina of St. Pius X Catholic Church
titta. There will be a sumptuous buffet,
blessed the food. There were prize draw-
and live music will be supplied by the
ings every 15 minutes, ranging from
restaurant certifi-
cates and auto care
to a casino stay and
a power saw! The
grand prize was a
55-inch smart TV.
Other participants
were KRMD Radio,
the Shreveport
Mudbugs, the State
Fair of Louisiana,
and Connie & V
Cross Jewelers.
Thanks to Sue
Estess, Joe Fertitta,
and all other mem-
2018 We Back the Badge event hosted by The Sons of Italy / courtesy of
bers who volunteered
Bossier Parish Sheriff’s Office Facebook
their time to make this
event a success.
Members Bob and Lidia (Pasquale) Wil-
We had our “first annual” Pot Luck on son have returned from Portogruaro, Italy,
November 10. Vice President Joe Fertitta where they had a leisurely visit and com-
generously lent us the the showroom
memorated All Souls Day with Lidia’s
at his business, C&L Supply. Members
showed off their cooking skills, and we
Most members have been busy follow-
enjoyed a relaxing day of eating, drink-
ing the Tigers this Fall, and many trips
ing, and visiting together.
south have been made!
On November 11, we had our holiday
For information on the Sons of Italy
fundraiser—the annual Cannoli, Sausage Heritage Club, contact President Anthony
and Cookie sale—also held at C&L Sup-
Gugliuzza at (985) 630-5857 or Vice
ply. President Anthony Gugliuzza and
President Joseph Fertitta at (318) 458-
Board Member Joe Fertitta Jr. filled can-
noli, and Linda Serio was cashier. Mickey
Buon Natale e Buon Anno 2019 from
Fertitta sold raffle tickets for a Class 4K
the Sons of Italy Heritage Club!
65-inch Haier slim TV. Once again, the