Italian American Digest 7Italian American Digest FALL 2018 | Page 23

FALL 2018 I talian A meri - trying to “steal his laurels” as some claimed, and wrote to his son, Diego, its journey home sailed into a hurri- in 1505 that Amerigo had always cane along with 29 others; they were “wished to please me; he is a man of all destroyed on July 1, causing 500 good will; fortune has been unkind lives to be lost as well as an immense to him…his labors have not brought cargo of gold. him the rewards he in justice should Columbus then stopped briefly have.” (Not then maybe!) at Jamaica and sailed to Central Vespucci was later summoned to America, where he spent two months Spain to serve as a consultant for exploring lands that were later several commercial enterprises, and called Honduras, Nicaragua, and in 1508 was appointed chief naviga- Costa Rica, and arrived at Panama tor, interpreting, planning, mapping, on October 16. He continued look- and coordinating all the training and ing for gold until his ships suffered licensing that pilots and captains even greater storm damage and were needed for their journeys to the New stranded in Jamaica. In February World. However, despite the fact that 1504, he gained the assistance of the New World now carried his name some natives by predicting a lunar and not that of Columbus, he himself eclipse would happen on February never returned to “America” again. 29! With their willingness to provide He eventually was granted Spanish him with supplies, he and his men citizenship and spent the rest of his were able to leave for Spain and life there. arrived on June 29, 1504. In Columbus we have a man so On May 20, 1506, Columbus died committed to his goal of achiev- from a number of diseases caused ing the expansion of Christianity by food poisoning, poor sanitation, throughout the Far East that never etc. (Some are believed to have been for a moment did he doubt that he sexually transmitted.) The anniver- had in fact discovered a western sary of his landing in America was route to Cathay. To his last day, eventually established as October 12 he truly believed he had fulfilled (Columbus Day), or the second Mon- his purpose in life inspired by his day in October. Many stamps were Christian name, “The Christ Bearer” later issued in America and abroad (Christofero/Christopher). And so it celebrating his accomplishments, but was not Columbus, but Amerigo Ves- only after they were finally recog- pucci—who clearly saw that a “New nized for what they truly were. World” had been discovered—for The first person to actually recog- whom that discovery was named. nize that a “New World” (Mundus Columbus has not been complete- Novus, as he called it) had been ly ignored, however. Think of such discovered , was, of course, Amer- proper names as the District of Co- igo Vespucci! A Florentine with a lumbia; Columbus, Ohio; Columbia good relationship with one of the University, etc. He may have been richest families in Italy, the Medici, slighted somewhat over the centuries and supported by Portugal, Ves- immediately following his achieve- pucci sailed west in 1497, not long ments—perhaps because he himself after Columbus’ second voyage. In failed to realize (or did not want to his journals published in 1502-4, realize?) what he had accomplished. which included descriptions of the But more than 500 years later, no four voyages he engaged in overall one can dispute that it was he who (including to Brazil and perhaps discovered America—not Vespucci! even the Amazon River), he declared Estrada-Belli cont. from page 21 that these lands were not part of Asia but part of an entirely new continent ways were paved between sites that before had seemed more isolated.” totally unknown to Europeans. The In recognition of his contribu- German cartographer, Martin Wald- tions to the fields of archaeology, seemuller, was convinced by the anthropology, history and cartogra- details contained in these journals, phy, Estrada-Belli has been named and in 1507—a year after Colum- bus’ death— published a world map a National Geographic Explorer and a Fellow of the Society of Antiquar- calling the new land “America,” a Latinized female version of Vespuc- ies of London. In 2010 he founded the Maya Archaeology Initiative, a ci’s first name. (Referring to lands nonprofit organization dedicated to in a female context was common at the time, e.g., Europa, Italia, Francia, preserving Maya heritage through archaeology and education in Guate- etc.) Amazingly, when Columbus him- malan schools. He continues to con- duct yearly mapping and excavation self first heard of Vespucci’s voyag- campaigns in northern Guatemala. es, he never believed Vespucci was Columbus cont. from page 19 PAGE 23 Nephew’s cont. from page 20 entrees served family style, includ- ing grilled rosemary chicken, roast pork in red gravy, and eggplant rolls. The fragrant olive oil and rosemary chicken was cut up into smaller pieces in the style of Mosca’s famous chicken, not in larger pieces Ameri- cans are used to seeing at, say, fried chicken restaurants. This chicken was so tender, and the olive oil-rose- mary combination is always deli- cious. The large chunks of pork were slowly cooked so they remained ten- der, but the bright sauce tasted meaty and sweet. This dish reminded me of Sunday dinners with my family growing up: the slow and low cook- ing that renders the flavors out of the meat and into the scrumptious sauce. Finally, there was another egg- plant dish with breaded and fried eggplant and red sauce. It, too, was delicious. As you can gather, there were left- overs but, fortunately, the entrees are just as good the next day served over a salad of crisp, fresh lettuce. Nephew’s succeeded in filling a void left by the passing of Tony Ang- ello and the closing of his restaurant. The food was spot-on and the crowd- ed dining room proved that Frank Catalanotte could create the same generous and welcoming atmosphere that Tony Angello’s was known for providing its guests. Nephew’s is a busy restaurant, so do make a res- ervation. And do try the “feed me” dinner; you will leave satisfied and maybe with a little something for lunch the next day. The eggplant rolls at Nephew’s Ristorante are a must.