it starts with Him: a 30 day prayer guide to end human trafficking vol 1 | Page 10
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.
Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord
your God will be with you wherever you go.” —Joshua 1:9
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with
compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” —Colossians 3:12
I firmly believe that God has commanded me to stand up against injustice
and speak out in defense of the weak. I specifically believe He has
commanded me to wage a war against human trafficking. Like Joshua
and the Israelites in the passage, I feel the weight of the war ahead...the
daunting task of ending human trafficking. But I am reminded that God
commanded me to take this stand, and in so doing He has also instructed
me to be strong and courageous. In this verse, the Lord goes on to tell us
not to be terrified or discouraged.
There are times in battle when you may feel terrified because it appears
the enemy has you outnumbered! Or you feel overwhelmed by the sheer
number of those caught up in this web of human trafficking. How can you
help them all? How can you make a difference? Or you simply begin to feel
discouraged because victory isn’t materializing the way you envisioned.
God instructs us not to be terrified or discouraged. We must put our trust
in Him and not in our human abilities. We must remind ourselves that He
is Lord and He is with us wherever we go. The battle is the Lord’s. He has
invited us to join stand on His lock arms with Him and
wage war against the enemy that is human trafficking. So we must rise up!
Stand tall and trust that He equips the called. Do not be discouraged. Do
not be terrified. Emmanuel... God with us...stands with us ready to battle!
Father God—
Help us to be obedient to Your fight
against injustice and specifically human trafficking. We
pray for Your guidance and discernment as we wage a
war against the enemy. Dear Lord, please help us to be
brave and courageous, knowing deep within our soul
that You are Emmanuel (God with us) every step of
the way. And Father, in those moments when we feel
discouraged, please bless us with a simple reminder
that we wage this war to free our sisters and brothers
from the enemy’s snare, trusting that You will restore
their lives and increase their honor. All these things
we pray in Your son Jesus’ name,
Submitted by Luaskya Nonon, a member of the Board of Directors for Transforming
Hope Ministries. To learn more, visit
My favorite part of this passage is the endearing
way God’s people are referred to “chosen…holy…
dearly loved”. As God’s children we are dearly loved
and should be motivated towards compassion,
kindness, humility, gentleness and patience as
we seek to fight for the ones who cannot fight for
Every day we clothe ourselves as we get ready
for the tasks ahead of us. Be intentional today
about clothing yourself with compassion, kindness,
humility, gentleness, and patience as you set out
for your day. Remember those who cannot fight for
themselves and ask God today what you can do to
be part of that fight to end human trafficking.
You redeemed me and call me as Your very own child—amazing! Give me the
compassion for those who cannot fight for themselves, kindness in dealing with
those around me, humility in allowing others first in my life, gentleness in seeking
justice, and patience in allowing You to have the victory.
Submitted by Becky Tenaglia, Director of Sonshine School in Danville, IN, and proud mother of Abbi Tenaglia, Founder and
Director of Transforming Hope Ministries.
DAY 10
“Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do
what He had promised.” —Romans 4:20-21
Recently I experienced a big professional set-back. I
felt that I was following God’s will to begin a new
chapter. Instead that door was closed so abruptly,
it left me questioning myself, my purpose, and God’s
plan. I couldn’t have anticipated or controlled what
happened that day, but I did have the ability to
control my reaction.
My identity is not in what I do, but who I am. I
am a child of God, who overcame death for my
imperfections and sin. Time and time again, He has
proved His faithfulness in and through my life. I
may not see the promise quite yet, but I can be fully
persuaded that God is for me. Ralph Abernathy said
so poignantly, “I don’t know what the future may
hold, but I know who holds the future.”
Give us courage to stand firm in moments of doubt. Help us to know that You hold
our future and that Your promise for our life is better than we could ask or imagine.
Regardless of our past, our hurts, our mistakes — You make all things new for Your
glory. Help us to trust You. Give us patience, discernment, and courage to follow Your
will. Let us always find our identity and worth in You.
Submitted by Karman Kent, a member of newhope church in Durham, NC. To learn more about newhope, visit