8 Smart Tips For Easing Your Transition To A New CRM
Save Your Sanity With These Genius Ideas
You ’ ve chosen a CRM with marketing automation . You mean business and are ready to keep track of customer data , get your marketing on autopilot , and streamline internal processes for your business . Many business owners dread making this transition to a new CRM and marketing automation platform — the whole process can seem incredibly daunting , but if you use these helpful tips , getting started can be a lot less stressful for you and your team .
Here are some ideas to help you get on the quickest path to ROI and help you save your sanity throughout the process .
Designate A Project Manager : Choose a point person to head up your transition to your new CRM . Who at your company can take the lead on this project with the technical know-how and organizational skills to keep the transition on track , manage onboarding tasks , and schedule training for the team ? This person should also exude loads of enthusiasm and dedication to keep the team excited throughout the onboarding process !
Prepare Your List For Import : As soon as you know you are switching to a new CRM , start organizing and cleaning your existing data . So much of the results and success you will have with your marketing has to do with the quality of your contact list , so NOW is a great time to clean it up !
Export all contact records ( clients and prospects ) from your existing CRM and / or PSA tool to a spreadsheet . Then , review and validate that the information you have is correct and up to date ( name , title , company name , mailing address , phone number , email address , industry , etc .). Importing a clean list will be key to making sure you don ’ t waste time or your marketing efforts and dollars .
Get A ‘ Lay Of The Land ’: Get comfortable with navigating around your new system . Add a test contact record , locate your user profile , and try creating a task or reminder . To get a jump-start , attend office hours provided by your CRM provider , watch tutorials , or just roll up your sleeves , log in , and start playing around ! The more you work in the system , the more comfortable you ’ ll be .
Integrate Your Website To Capture Leads : Review your website and update all of your web forms ( contact us form , free report opt-in , appointment requests , etc .) with new codes so all form submissions are added to your marketing automation platform . Create a follow-up system that immediately sends you an alert for each form submission and create a workflow that helps you remember to call and follow up with your new leads .