more expensive to pay , you ’ ve GOT to be smarter about not accepting just anyone as a client . Otherwise , you have very expensive talent working on low-money clients and low-leverage opportunities , which is a recipe for low margins and problems multiplied .
I have a beach home in Florida in 30A . One of the problems I ’ ve noticed over the summer is that many of the restaurants are only operating at 70 % capacity — meaning they have about 30 % of their tables open with no patrons , yet demand is higher than ever with people waiting in line out front and reservations booked weeks in advance . When I ’ ve inquired as to what ’ s going on , ALL have said it ’ s because they can ’ t get the workers for the kitchen or the wait staff to serve the customers . Knowing this , they ALL should be gathering the contact information of any patron who comes in and spends an above
How To Add $ 1 Million In Sales
At $ 300 Per Month = 278 Clients At $ 500 Per Month = 167 Clients At $ 1,000 Per Month = 84 Clients At $ 5,000 Per Month = 17 Clients At $ 10,000 Per Month = 9 Clients
A Good Question : How can you DOUBLE your sales without adding a single new client ? average amount on dinner , drinks , and desserts and work to get THOSE people back into their establishment versus just letting anyone book a table . Of course , none of them are doing that . I ’ m a big spender when I go out to eat because I always order expensive wine , appetizers , AND dessert . I also tip big . I tend to host big parties and bring the family , running up high tabs — yet none of the restaurant managers approach me about selling a membership or putting me on a special VIP notification list of “ jump the line ” seating . And because I have a house there , I frequent a few of the restaurants more often than people who are there for a week ’ s vacation , then leave .
The point is that if your capacity is limited , you need to make sure you ONLY stock the pond with big fish and not minnows , because the MORE clients you NEED to hit your revenue , growth , or income goals , the more complicated , stressful , and problem-riddled your business becomes .
What Do HVCs Want , And How To Attract More Of Them
As I said , HVCs are going to be slightly different for each person . But if we stick to the common denominator , which is HIGH PROFITS with a BIG SPEND , then we can assume HVCs are people who are willing AND able to spend a higher amount of money .
Given that fact , they are also far more likely to seek the advice of trusted advisors . They make their decisions on WHOM to buy from , not WHAT to buy , and not on price or the features and benefits of the service or product .
For example , we recently had to have our pool rebuilt because the previous builder was a complete doofus who screwed up
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