loved it . They had all these people working on it for five years . They did a fit test , then she put it on . Everyone is going crazy thinking this is going to revolutionize the industry , and she said , ’ No , send it back to Italy .’ The standard must be high .”
Never Give Self-Doubt A Voice . When he was training for the ultramarathon , he learned to never verbalize pain or self-doubt and to build momentum through wins you create from positive selftalk . “ I wouldn ’ t make it a spoken word , because once you say it , it becomes a reality ,” he said . “ When running an ultramarathon , you never say , ‘ I ’ m struggling ,’ you say , ‘ I feel great !’ You start to believe your own lie in those situations , and those small wins are really important to conquer self-doubt . Start to build a little momentum around little things . Self-doubt — if you start saying I ’ m not good enough and actually believe it , you can ’ t possibly win . None of us can .”
Create No-Lose Situations . Jesse doesn ’ t use win-win situations because while both people may win , they are not equal wins . Instead , he creates situations where there is no way the person could lose . Jesse was given the opportunity to buy four New York Yankees Legend tickets that cost $ 320,000 for the season at a time when he was in debt and had zero money . He had nothing to offer and was looking for something he could use to build relationships . He knew the tickets could do that for him and would pay for themselves 10 times over . He agreed to purchase the four New York Legend tickets , then convinced a friend to front him the money by creating a no-lose situation .
“ At that point in my life , I was making negative money ,” Jesse said . “ I made 20 grand , and I spent $ 25,000 on my credit card . I called the only guy I knew who could afford the tickets and was a huge Yankees fan . I said , ‘ Look , these seats are available . We ’ ll never have a chance for the rest of our lives to get them . If you lend me the money , I ’ ll pay you back in two years with insane interest . And if I don ’ t , I ’ ll sign the seats over to you . So , you ’ re either going to make a lot of money or you ’ re going to own the best seats in sports history .’ He did the deal . I met Jay-Z in a studio six months after I got the tickets . I knew he was a big Yankees fan . I never met him in my life . I told him about the tickets . We split the tickets and were partners in the tickets for 10 years . Two years later , I started Marquis Jet . He ’ s doing a world tour . He needs an airplane . We flew his entire tour on Marquis Jet . It paid for all the seats right there .”
Remember , Action Always Trumps Inaction . Taking fast action on your ideas and dreams is more important than knowing how you ’ ll get there when you don ’ t have everything all figured out . When Jesse was 27 years old , he was a guest on a private airplane . Inspired , by the time he landed , he and his partner had decided to start a private jet company . By the time he was 28 years old , he and his partner co-founded Marquis
Jet . “ I wanted to fly privately , except we had no airplanes , but we had an idea ,” Jesse said . “ Our idea was so simple . We wanted to give everyone access to their own private plane without owning it . Everybody in this room is one idea , one referral , one meeting away from changing the entire trajectory of your life . And if you have an idea and it keeps coming to the top of your brain , the universe is telling you to pay attention to it .”
Do Things Differently . You don ’ t get a lot of chances for big opportunities . Most times , you have just one shot . You must figure out BEFORE an important meeting how you are going to stand out in a big way .
Jesse landed a meeting to pitch his idea for his jet cards / Marquis Jet to NetJets , the largest private jet company in the world . But 12 minutes into showing his PowerPoint presentation to Rich Santulli , Founder of NetJets , he was thrown out of the meeting . “ We leave dejected thinking where are we going to get 650 planes to start this company ?” Jesse said . “ The president grabs my arm and says , ‘ That was unbelievable . Rich Santulli doesn ’ t give anybody 12 minutes . There ’ s something here . Come back next week and bring this thing to life .’ We realized as entrepreneurs , we ’ ve got to be different . We ’ ve got to stand out . We have to take advantage of the opportunity . We have to look for the white space . So , we brought in our own focus group . We set up a table by the boardroom table and one by one , eight people came in : Carl Banks from the New York Giants , Run from Run-D . M . C ., a powerful female real estate mogul from New York . One by one , they stood up and said they would never buy a fraction of a plane , which is what NetJets was selling , but they would buy a 25-hour jet card . By the end of the meeting , Rich Santulli said , ‘ I ’ m going to give you guys a shot .’ A year later , we were bigger than
NetJets . We did $ 5 billion in sales cumulatively , and we sold that company to Warren Buffett .”
Don ’ t Negotiate Your Goals . You must have a do-whatever-it-takes attitude and relentlessly chase your goal all the way to the finish line . When trying to get Marquis Jet