IT Radix - Cathy Coloff Edition 4 - October 2022 | Page 5

The Four M ’ s Of Marketing For New Clients
same outcome . So , let ’ s break this down and start by explaining how media plays into your overall marketing strategy .

The Four M ’ s Of Marketing For New Clients

If you send out any marketing campaign , it must have the following four strategies correct to succeed : Market , Message , Media , and Math .
Market is the list or target audience you plan on sending your message to — the specific client you want to attract . With email , direct mail , telemarketing , etc ., it ’ s ( obviously ) the list you ’ re directing your campaign to . On Facebook , it ’ s the custom audience you direct your ad to . With SEO , it ’ s people who search on a particular keyword . It ’ s the attendees at a trade show you ’ re sponsoring . Obviously , you have to be selective in who or where you are marketing or you ’ ll end up with no response OR a group of low-quality , no-fit prospects , wasting your time and money .
Message — what will your ad , email , letter , landing page , or postcard SAY ? What hot buttons are you going to hit on ? How will your message stop your prospect in their tracks and compel them to respond ? What will the offer be ? If your message falls flat and your offer is uninteresting , uncompelling , or a “ leap too far ” ( meaning no offer other than to call your office or visit your website to buy ), your response will be extremely low or nonexistent .
Media is the means by which you will communicate your message ( more on this in a minute , as it ’ s the subject of this article ).
Math is the backward planning from a goal you need to hit to ensure you are doing sufficient activity . For example , if I want two appointments with new prospects this week , I need to be marketing to roughly 200 – 300 prospects IF the response rate is going to be 1 % to 0.5 %. ( This is another topic of high importance and worthy of deep discussion , but not for today .)
Within each of these categories , there is a lot to know and MANY ways to screw something up . The list is long . Lots to do . But when done right , any one of these can deliver results — but when done simultaneously , the results are exponential . One of the reasons is due to the fact that there is no one place where “ everybody ” is ( meaning your prospects ). Despite what Mr . Zuckerburg will tell you , there are still a lot of people who aren ’ t on Facebook . Many are , but not all the prospects you could potentially sell to . If you ONLY do marketing on Facebook , you ’ re limiting yourself to only that segment of the marketplace that uses it regularly enough to see your ads and posts to engage .
A friend of mine sells catering software to restaurant owners . His best platform for scraping leads is Yelp . Second is Facebook . But a very distant third is LinkedIn . For whatever reason , most restaurant owners are not on LinkedIn , and if they have a profile , they haven ’ t touched it in years . Does that mean he should abandon using LinkedIn altogether ? No . In fact , he can get leads from LinkedIn very successfully , but it ’ s not in the quantity that Yelp provides .