IT Radix - Cathy Coloff Edition 2 - June 2022 | Page 5

✓ attempt to re-engage the contact or reduce the frequency of how often they receive emails from you .
Focus on contacts who are interested in what you have to say and create a sunset policy for contacts who do not engage for an extended period of time . Cease sending emails to them until / unless they engage with an email they ’ ve already received from you .
Golden Rule : Only send marketing emails to contacts who have opted-in and who engage with your messages .
Email Formatting Issues
The emails you send need to be carefully and thoughtfully formatted .
Do not include any large image files such as fancy headers or other graphics .
Don ’ t use excessive text . Stay clear and concise in your messaging .
Messages of the same topic should have the same email address in the from address and a matching signature .
Personalize your emails by merging the contact ’ s name into the subject line or body of the message .
Use catchy subject lines and preview text to increase open rates of your emails .
Do not include too many unique links , shortened URLs ( bit . ly ) or links to social media accounts ( Twitter , You- Tube , LinkedIn , Facebook , etc .) in your emails .
Golden Rule : Send plain text emails that are personalized , clear , and concise .
Using Spammy Words , Phrases , and Conventions
Automatic spam filters rate incoming messages by looking for red flags — specific words , phrases , and other indicators that are commonly used in spam emails . ✖
Be aware of the phrases you use and be diligent in avoiding spammy words and phrases . The biggest culprit we ’ ve seen in recent years is the phrase “ click here .”
✖ Don ’ t use too much punctuation !!!!!!! ✖ WRITING IN ALL CAPS CAN GET MARKED AS SPAM . ✖
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Golden Rule : Keep spammy words , phrases , and conventions out of your emails .
Sending Irrelevant Messaging
Do not take a “ one size fits all ” approach with your marketing . Instead send targeted messaging to contacts in your CRM . With proper segmentation , you can select a cross-section of your database when sending email campaigns to ensure that the right people get the right messages .
Evan Samurin advises , “ Marketing impacts deliverability . The more relevant you are , the more targeted you can be , and thus the better kind of engagement you ’ ll drive . Better engagement equals better inbox placement and increased open rates , which overall leads to more opportunities and sales for your business .”
Golden Rule : Send targeted and relevant content .
With email deliverability , sometimes just a single word or link can keep that email from showing up in an inbox . But tiny changes ( the right changes ) can also lead to massive results . Master the fundamentals , these golden rules of email deliverability , and put a solid foundation in place for your email sending practices . n
Janette DeGrazio is the director of marketing automation programs and chief architect of our results-generating Marketing Automation Platform systems . It is her No . 1 priority to make sure all of our MAP members know HOW to use their powerful automation tool to generate leads and sales . Her goal is to equip members with the tools , guidance and training needed for the best success in the MAP program . She can be reached at Janette @ TechnologyMarketingToolkit . com