IT Radix - Cathy Coloff Edition 2 - June 2022 | Page 15

Shark Tank ’ s , Robert Herjavec , At The 2018 IT Sales And Marketing Boot Camp
millions of dollars and bankrolling entrepreneurs ’ inventions , his drive to achieve has led him to the fulfillment of a better life for himself and his family .
We sat down with Robert to get his advice on how he did it and how you can , too . Here are Robert ’ s tips on how to create your own rags to riches story .
1 .
Use Your Failures To Pave The Way To Success . Robert attributes his success to learning from his own personal failures and being resilient , saying , “ I ’ m a big believer in falling down seven times , but getting up eight .” He also believes that you create your own success and that the only thing the world owes you is opportunity . “ People always think success comes easy , but if you are an entrepreneur , you know how much hard work goes into your business ,” Robert said . “ Being an entrepreneur always comes at a price . The key is to use every challenge that comes your way as a source of motivation .”
2 .
Learn To Sell . The difference between really big companies that grow and really small companies that stay the same size is sales . “ My biggest challenge when I started out was that I was a very geeky technical guy , and I knew nothing about sales ,” Robert said . “ And I thought that as long as I was great at what I did , the world would beat a path to my door .” But that didn ’ t happen . Fortunately , when Robert was 23 , his friend , Ross Marsden , who at the time was a global VP of sales for HP , took him aside and told him that despite knowing the
“ Today we do what others won ’ t so that tomorrow , we can accomplish what others can ’ t .”
technical side extremely well , if he didn ’ t learn sales , he ’ d never be successful . “ That was a wakeup call for me ,” Robert said .
3 .
– Robert Herjavec
Love What You Do . Building a business requires a lot of time and hard work . If you don ’ t love what you do , you ’ ll put off what needs to be done . Robert enjoys his work so much there ’ s almost nothing he ’ d rather spend time doing . “ Fundamentally , I owe my success in business to the fact that I really love what I do ,” he said .
4 .
Show Up . While investing in yourself through coaching , attending events , and so on takes time , Robert says you must make the effort . “ The key to success is to show up ,” Robert said . “ If you don ’ t show up , you can ’ t win .”
5 .
Put A Sales System In Place .
Business owners who don ’ t have a sales system in place will not be able to scale their business and are at risk for