IT Radix - Cathy Coloff Edition 2 - June 2022 | Page 10

6 Keys To Hyper Sales Growth

In 1985 , when Jack Daly was 26 years old , his big , hairy , audacious goal was to build the biggest mortgage company in Orange County within five years . Jack had just moved across the country from the cold Northeast to California with his wife and kids . The company consisted of Jack and the three guys he convinced to come along . His competitors included companies such as Bank of America , Wells Fargo , and Countrywide Mortgage .

Eighteen months after he arrived , through organic growth only with no acquisitions , his company had 22 locations across the United States and employed 750 people . He made $ 42 million in profits in the first three years .
Six times , between the age of 26 and 46 years old , Jack grew his companies to national size . He ’ s also repeatedly helped others grow their companies at a frenetic pace . With a remarkable 30-plus year track record in sales , he ’ s been called the best professional sales trainer in America . A world-renowned speaker and bestselling author , today he is making a difference in the lives of those in sales and sales management .
During a recent Technology Marketing Toolkit Producers Club peer group meeting , Daly spoke about how to create hyper sales growth in your business . “ Every company starts small ,” he said . “ All six of my companies started with one guy , me . A small company , but they grew at an incredible pace .”
The following strategies from Jack are designed to send your business into hyper sales growth .