Develop A Growth Mindset .
Part of the HPU mission is that every student graduates with a growth and entrepreneurial mindset so they will have the confidence to overcome any obstacle and be willing to adapt . When schools started shutting down during the pandemic , HPU figured out how to overcome this challenge . Knowing students are educated best in the classroom with live faculty , HPU didn ’ t merely shut down and go online . They adapted by booking hotel rooms and put safety measures in place , such as changing the way their food operation worked to keep students safe . They prepared to quarantine and isolate students if they became sick . They built a new health services area and had separate entrances for people who thought they might be sick with COVID-19 . There were challenges , but they persevered . Families responded positively and loved it . “ This is a time for us to inform our clients , to involve our clients , to inspire our clients ,” Dr . Qubein said . “ But mostly , it ’ s a time to be agile , flexible , and resilient .”
Extraordinary doesn ’ t just happen . You must be vigilant , be obsessed , and accept no excuses . You must relentlessly focus on being better and striving for excellence every day . You can ’ t think horizontally and expect to get the best the world has to offer . You must decide to think vertically , adapt , and continually seek to understand . You must control your mindset despite the obstacles in your way . Dr . Qubein says , “ You must raise the standards and choose to be extraordinary .” n
Check out this invaluable advice from Dr . Qubein in this video clip from his interview with Robin Robins .
MSPSuccessMagazine . com / Nido
If you are just as good today as you were a year ago , you ’ re worse off . You must be better than you were a year ago , just to stay even .