I.T. Ninja Oct. 6, 2013 | страница 3

In our first hack, we are going to learn how to shutdown all computers on your network. In order to do this we are going to use two methods. Method #1 Using CMD! Method #2 creating our first .bat file. Lets start by using Method #1, click on start, type in CMD and hit enter. This will bring up a black box with white lettering. Now type in "shutdown -i -s -t 100 -c "Your comment here!" " Without the " behind shutdown and after Here!. After that hit enter and watch everyone freak out. Method #2, open up notepad and type in

shutdown -i -s -t 100 -c "your Comment Here!"

Now click on file then save as, now here at the bottom you will have a drop down option below what you want to name your fiel as. Drop down the options and select all files. Then in the name, save it as anything you want but use .bat at the end. So your name should look like this; shutdown.bat

Please note that this will not work on secured networks such as McDonalds. As this would be actually hacking their network server. Don't worry, as we progress along, we are going to learn how to hack servers. Just not in this issue.