I.T. Ninja Oct. 6, 2013 | Page 16


Thank you for reading Ethical Hacker by I.T. Ninja. Everything in this magazine is not intended for anyone to just use as they please. You can and will get into trouble for any and all of these crimes that I.T. Ninja has been explaining. This magazine is for educational purposes only! Please do not hold I.T. Ninja responsible if you get busted! I.T Ninja has been a computer technicaion/Nerd for over 15 years, and has been around the block a couple of times. I.T. Ninja has hoped that you have enjoyed this edition of Ethical Hacker and hope that you are ready for the second edition. Please make all comments and reviews to [email protected]. Please look for I.T. Ninja's next issue of Ethical Hacker to be released next month.