Art + Therapy = ? Bernice Yu discusses the intricate relationship between art and therapy and what this means to her. 2. . 1. Art is not a thing, it is a way.” Elbert Hubbard once said. This is what first inspired me to think about what art is. To me, art is a way of expressing ourselves; it can be a way to clean our soul; it can be a way for us to escape from real life. I consider this as having a therapeutic impact on healing our soul through art. 3. . “ 1. I always thought of myself as a happy person with a simple mind. However, I found that at times my emotions could be very up and down. I always draw elements such as water or the sea, particularly patterns connected to waves. So why do I like drawing in this style? I think my emotions can be compared to the sea which is unstable and always changing with the weather. So while the sea can be seen as quite turbulent, it can also be tranquil at times. 2. I like to hide my feelings, especially when it comes to sadness and trauma. Therefore, I like to draw happy things. For example, I like drawing sunflowers to express my sadness. Even though it has a messy pattern, there is some consistency involved. I think I was seeking happiness and hoping to hide all my troubles when things got painful. In some ways I wish I could be a sunflower - always facing the sun and never seeing the shadows. 3. I like drawing fish to represent myself because I see this as a way to hide tears. This is the idea that when you cry, your tears mix together with the sea water therefore nobody can tell that you are experiencing sadness. 4. I always like to seek hope and faith in my life and this is expressed through different colours. Why? Although I always choose warm hues (such as red, pink, purple), it does not necessarily mean that I am always happy. I think the colours chosen in my drawings means that I can be optimistic and always have a smile on my face. ISSUE 05: APRIL 2016 4. To sum . up, Art Therapy The answer is getting + = ? to know yourself through creating art. As the saying goes, “ Art is literacy of the heart.” No matter how bad your troubles are, there is always a way to release this. Making art can also allow dreams to come true as you can create what you want. Maybe this is the magic of art therapy. Bernice Yu is studying Visual Arts at HKIEd. She enjoys drawing and reading in her spare time. 09