Q U A R A N T I N E S T O R I E S All I know is that I have been creating memories which I am going to treasure for the rest of my life. The ultimate ethereal happiness is beyond description. Chasing after a career, achieving higher degrees might brighten up the earthy pleasure. However, absolute contentment can only be achieved through repertoires of memories that we intend to carry with us in our life journey. I am grateful to almighty for blessing me with the opportunity of creating life-time memories in this unrestrained situation. Companionship with Almighty: Another blessing in this difficulty is intensifying our relationship with the most merciful. A better comprehension of God’s mercy and love will not only help a child to be friend with him but also will boost up his moral traits. To magnify God’s companionship, I have been emphasising on few prospects. For instance, being kind to his creation. In this regard, would like to share an event. When the pandemic started, I was in Bangladesh which is my home. God has given me the opportunity to stand and support others who were in need. I was fortunate enough to stand with a few families by providing them daily ration for a week. My children were blessed to witness the gratitude and kindness when an elderly man passed his blessing to them by praising God. Suddenly I realized my elder son was crying and that his tears were tears of joy. At his tender age, he deciphered the meaning of kind acts. He realized, real blessings are the result of kindness, empathy and compassion that connect us with the almighty. Thankfulness is a way of life: Because of a structured life and abundant materialistic things, most children are growing up and becoming ungrateful. Competitive mind set, peer pressure and many other phenomena are IT Magazine / June Issue 20