Q U A R A N T I N E S T O R I E S No one has ever taught me how to deal with vulnerability. Last year, I saw that my younger child was going through distress to cope with new things. He was feeling vulnerable when he saw that other children at his class were doing better. As a mother, my heart was torn apart to see my little boy insecure. However, I summoned-up all my courage to stood up for him which is what I could not do for myself when I was young. I prepared a routine for my little one which we have been following for last few months as we were mostly staying indoor. I am trying to focus on few areas which might be beneficial to overcome his insecurities. We would perform character building stories through role-play at home where my children would take turns and portray different characters. To overcome negative feelings, sometimes we would paint about how we feel. I am emphasising more on carrying out oneto-one talks with my child so as to comprehend his feeling better. From personal reflection, people become fierce and confident when their insecurities are dealt with positivity. A journey of sheer laughter: To make our quarantined days remarkable, we were experimenting different things. Sometimes we danced till we were out of breath; sometimes we played by spraying foams; sometimes making a dinosaur land with pillows and pretending to be dinosaurs; other times by covering our faces with flour while baking cakes; or indulging ourselves into painting. IT Magazine / June Issue 19