C H E C K I N G - I N W I T H T H E I T S Goodbye messages from the IT team GUAN, Sylvia From the United States of America This year was a rollercoaster. Through it all, I'm grateful that I had the chance to meet, interact, and learn from so many students from around the world, and I'm thankful for the friends that I made along the way. Not only that but I've learned so much about myself in this process. Hong Kong will always hold a special place in my heart. WASH, A'Jacia From the United States of America Wow! I can't believe that my year at EduHK is over. I still remember my first time walking into the ASLLC and preparing for my first workshop. I was so elated to share my culture with the students and for them to share theirs with me. This experience will be one that I will never forget. I will carry all the memories of being here in Hong Kong with me for the rest of my life and try to use what I have learned here in order to grow as a person. I can truly say that EduHK and everyone here, whether it be faculty, staff, or students have made my experience so much more than what I thought it would be. I will miss you all dearly and I hope that we will meet again. Thank you! IT Magazine / June Issue 8